Business Partners Empowering Excellence
The Business Partners Empowering Excellence! Campaign is a unique branding opportunity for businesses and is the only street light banner campaign of its kind in this area. As a partner, your company will receive over 1,400 hours of brand exposure along Huntington Drive, one of the busiest thoroughfares in the San Gabriel Valley traveled by 30,000 cars per day.
2024-2025 Business Partner Benefits:
Ambassador: $5,000 - Your logo on a custom street banner placed on Huntington Drive, plus items listed below.
Partner: $3,000 - Social Media recognition (Facebook and Instagram) in June and October, plus items listed below.
Sponsor: $1,000 - Scrolling logo recognition on the SMSF website, Invitation to Spring donor event, use of SMSF logo in your marketing/promotional materials, plus items listed below.
Friend: $500 - SMSF Supporter window cling for display in your storefront, recognition on the SMSF website, SMSF Annual Report, Spring Donor Party and San Marino Tribune.